Leonora Bisagno

Zurich (CH) 17.12.1977 _ italian

lives and works between Luxembourg and Firenze





cartabianca, curated by Daria Filardo, Lorenzo Bruno, Pietro Gaglianò, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce, Genova (I)

Making of, curated by Kevin Muhlen, Casino Luxembourg_Forum d'Art Contemporain, Luxembourg (L)

Tokyo Wonder Site, residency with ultranature (Bruno Baltzer and Leonora Bisagno, Tokyo (J)





Solo exhibitions:


Un ciclone tropicale nell'emisfero boreale,with Claudia Passeri, curated by Danielle Igniti, galerie Dominique Lang, Dudelange (L)


antipodi_to be worlds, with ultranature, SRISA art gallery, Firenz (I)


da desiderio a desiderio , with Jacopo Miliani, curated by P. Antognoli, Spazio P38, Lucca link blog


Highest common factor, with Paula Muhr, curated by Michèle Walerich, CNA, Dudelange, Luxembourg (L)


Limen , curated by B. Ibry, MAGra, Valmozzola, Parm (I)


Group exhibitions and events:


the Wall (archive), project by Pietro Gaglianò, InfoLab from Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg (L)

XX anni, jury: Roberta Valtorta, Daniele De Luigi, Giovanna Calvenzi, FSM gallery, Firenze (I)


Sleep Disorders, curated by Marion Auburtin and Danielle Igniti, galerie Nei-Liicht, Dudelange (I)

Home-nature, video screening curated by Katia Baraldi and Laure Keyrouz, ARTHUB, Nervesa II)

ultranature project, for the month of photography in Luxembourg, CarréRotondes, Luxembourg (L)

Emotion, Villa Vauban, Luxembourg (L)

Portfolio Night, video projection of Untitled (sky), CNA, Luxembourg (L)


Visioni di città, video projection with Bruno Baltzer, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, Istituto Russell Newton, Scandicci (FI)

waLL, project by Rebecca Olsen, Srisa gallery, Firenze (I)

Tuscany, curated by P.L.Tazzi, Fondazione Lanfranco Baldi, Pelago (I)

Apogee, book preview, Villa Romana, Firenze (I)

Talking to rocks, a project by Nuans and Paolo Emilio Viti Antognols, Villa Romana, Firenze (I)

Festa del Migrante, curated by G. Gianuizzi, A. Santomauro, V. Checchia, Neon Campobase, Bologna (I)

Ripresa, curated by P.L. Tazzi, Fondazione Lanfranco Baldi, Pelago (I)

Geografie,Miart fair Milano with Galleria Room, Milano (I)

8 minuti dal sole, 1 minuto dalla luna, curated by Alessandro Romanini, Lu.C.C.A, Center of Contemporary Art, Lucca (I)


Il Dio delle piccole cose, curated by Pier Luigi Tazzi, Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno (I)

Five, video experimentation with Bruno Baltzer on flash007   link

GE/09, curated by Filippo Maggia , Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarene d'Alba (I)

Videoart Yearbook, curated by P. Granata, S. Grandi, F. Naldi, Chiostro di S. Cristina, Bologna (I) link

U-30, curated by L.eonardo Bigazzi and Camilla Toschi, Firenze (I)

2 anni di 2 video   project, Neon Campobase, Bologna (I)

untitled, DOB Centre, Belgrado, Serbia


2 video Undo: Levità e Minimo, curated by Francesca Di Nardo link       

Eppi Femili, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, Teatro Studio di Scandicci, Scandicci (I)

Corale 10 , critic text by F. Marmorini, Studio MD, Prato

Abitanti Ambienti , curated by Silvia Lucchesi, Galleria Il Ponte, Firenze


Animeux, curated by Alessandro Sarri, Teatro Studio di Scandicci (I)

Spazio Comune, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze (I)

Premiata Officina Trevana,curators: M. Coccia and M. Marinetti, Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary, Trevi (I)

Clante, cortile Sassolini, site specific installation, Panzano (I)

Festival Photo Light 2007, Kaunas Lituania (LT)


Giardino immaginato, curated by B. Corà, Giardino di San Clemente, Firenze (I)

Officine dell'UmbriaI, curators: M. Coccia e M. Marinetti, Trevi Flash Art Museum, ((I)

Traffic Zone 04, curated by Lorenzo Bruni, Centro Polifunzionale with Galleria Civica di Arte Cotemporanea di Trento, Trento (I)

Rotte Metropolitane, curator: Lorenzo Bruni, SESV, Firenze (I)


Backlight 2005, Tampere Art Museum, by U. H.-Pursiainen, Tampere, (Fin)

Biennale dei Giovani Artisti dell'Europa e del Mediterrane , 2005 , Castel Sant'Elmo, Napoli (I)

Corto Circuito, Galleria Nicola Ricci Arte Contemporanea, Pietrasanta (I)


Tell me why ,curated by Filippo Maggia, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarene d'Alba (I)


Residencies and prizes:


Centre National de l'Audiovisuel, Luxembourg pour Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes


Premio Pezza, Triennale di Milano, Milano      

Workshops and conferences :


Tourists and nomads, conference, University of Luxembourg


Workshop   with Kim Jones , Viafarini, Milano


Workshop with Adrian Paci, Viafarini, Milano


Art Workshop '05, with Hans Op De Beeck, Casino Luxembourg


Networking, workshop with Gea Casolaro, Seravezza (I)

Grants :


Moving'up   for Backlight 2005, Finland

Public collections:

2010     Luxembourg_neon, CNA, Luxembourg

2009     I am very happy_video, CNA, Luxembourg

2009     Nuovi, Nuovi, Nuovi, Ceci n’est pas un Wasserturm_video, CNA, Luxembourg

2009     Nuovi, Nuovi, Nuovi, Les couples couplés_photographies, CNA, Luxembourg

Selected bibliography:

2012     Un ciclone tropicale nell'emisfero boreale, text by Pietro Gaglianò, bunker palace ed.

2011    Speciale fotografia, article on flash art Italia_ 01.11_text by Pier Luigi Tazzi

2011      Apogee, a compilation of solitude, recreation and ecology, revolver edition

2009      Il dio delle piccole cose, Casa Masaccio

2009      Da Guarene all'Etna 1999-2009, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

2009     Nuovi, Nuovi, Nuovi   curated by Milovan Farronato, exibart.onpaper

2008     Eppi Femili, project-catalogue

2006     Il Giardino Immaginato , catalogue ed. Gli Ori

2006      Rotte Metropolitane, catalogue

2006      Officine dell'Umbria 2006, Trevi Flash Art Museum

2005      Backlight 05, catalogue

2005     Biennale dei Giovani Artisti , catalogue

2004      Networking ,   TRA Art editions